• European Equipment Analysis: Dump Trucks - UK

This report concerns the market for rigid and articulated dump trucks in the United Kingdom, and is an update of the report that was last published in the European Service in October 2017.

Off-highway dump trucks are mainly used in applications such as large construction project groundworks and mining and quarrying, while some smaller articulated machines can be used on the highway if their weights and dimensions are within limits. This report does not cover on-off highway dump trucks that are derived from on-highway commercial vehicles.

Most articulated dump trucks are designated as being works trucks, which allows them to be exempt from classification as a heavy goods vehicle. The works truck allowance limits articulated dump trucks to travel a maximum of 1,000 yards on the public highway.

The smallest articulated truck available on the market in the UK is the 7 tonne Hydrema, while the largest models of 55 tonnes are offered by Bell and Volvo, which cover different applications, from smaller building and construction sites to major infrastructure projects, mining and quarrying environments. Site dumpers with a rear driving position and forward dump body are excluded from this report.

The findings in this report are based on information collected during an interview programme carried out during the first quarter of 2022, which involved in-depth discussions with the country’s leading manufacturers, importers and end-users.

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European Equipment Analysis: Dump Trucks - UK

  • Product Code:
    EU Equipment Analysis
  • Edition
    July 2022
  • Availability:
    In Stock
  • $1,380.00

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Tags: Europe, Global, Dump Trucks, UK