• A Special Report: The Construction Equipment Industry in Turkey

The objective of this study is to present a concise overview of the development of the markets for various types of construction equipment and agricultural tractors in Turkey. It assesses the major trends which have developed since the publication of Off-Highway Research’s last report on this subject in 2015 and offers a forecast for each product sector through to 2028. The report concludes with profiles of domestic manufacturers and leading distributors of construction and agricultural equipment.

The findings presented in this report are based on Off-Highway Research’s International Database, and on information collected during an in-depth interview programme in Turkey in May and June 2024, which included all leading manufacturers and distributors.

There is a formal exchange of sales statistics between suppliers of construction equipment which is organised by Turkey Iş Makinalari Distribütörleri Ve Imalatçilari Birligi – the Turkey Construction Equipment Distributors and Manufacturers Association, otherwise known as IMDER. Although a few companies are not members of this exchange, it is generally comprehensive and relates to new machines sold for use in Turkey.

A Special Report: The Construction Equipment Industry in Turkey

  • Product Code:
    Special Report
  • Edition
    September 2024
  • Availability:
    In Stock
  • $4,995.00

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Tags: Special Reports, Global