• European Equipment Analysis: Rough Terrain Lift Trucks - France

This report analyses the market for rough terrain lift trucks (RTLTs) in France. It examines the supply of domestic manufacturers and importers, assesses the trends in the market and the factors affecting its development, and forecasts the main features of the market in the short to medium term.

The rough terrain lift truck is a generic term given to machines that were developed by Matbro in the 1940s, which in the 1960s evolved into the agricultural tractor skid unit, with two large drive wheels to the front and reversed operator and transmission with a vertical forklift mast attached to the front. This machine will be referred to as the masted rough terrain lift truck throughout this report.

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European Equipment Analysis: Rough Terrain Lift Trucks - France

  • Product Code:
    EU Equipment Analysis
  • Edition
    October 2022
  • Availability:
    In Stock
  • $1,380.00

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Tags: Europe, Global, Rough Terrain Lift Trucks, France